Survey Report on Chinese Tourists’ Travel Intent After the End of COVID-19 Epidemic


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Ivy Alliance Tourism Consulting, China Comfort Travel Group and the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) cooperated to carry out a market survey, aiming at understanding Chinese tourists’ intent and needs to travel after the end of the epidemic.

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The outbreak of a new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic (COVID-19) has suddenly pressed the pause button on the tourism industry in 2020. On January 24, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China released “Urgent Notice on Making Every Effort to Prevent and Control the Pneumonia Epidemic of New Coronavirus Infection, and Suspension of Operation Activities of Tourism Enterprises”. Domestic and outbound tourism have been suspended, domestic scenic spots have been closed and many countries have imposed entry restrictions on Chinese citizens. The demand for tourism disappeared instantly, making the traditional Spring Festival tourism season falls into the “cold winter.

Ivy Alliance Tourism Consulting, China Comfort Travel Group and the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) cooperated to carry out a market survey, aiming at understanding Chinese tourists’ intent and needs to travel after the end of the epidemic, helping destinations’ tourism departments and tourism enterprises to grasp the market situation in a timely manner so as to prepare in advance for the recovery of the tourist market after the epidemic and provide tourists with better and more thoughtful travel services and travel products.

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